Scam sites(boycotted)

Scam sites listed here, boycotted by GPTBoycott. 

Why are they scam sites?
  • Fake payment proofs
  • Not paying its users
  • Has many complaints from its users
  • Designed to take your money, and ignore you

Heed warning when going onto these sites. For all we know, they could have scammed over thousands of dollars, and never paid its users one dime. 

If you have been scammed by any one of these sites, please, click on the link and write your complaint on the sites that haven't paid you, whether or not you upgraded.

  1. 1-800-Mail
  2. 7thHeavenPTR
  3. AdBux
  4. AdsNeed
  5. Aglocomails
  6. AllYouSubmitters
  7. At-Mails
  8. Awsurveys
  9. Bestflymails
  10. BGPayMail
  11. BoffoPaidMail
  12. BournemouthBreeze
  14. Bux3
  15. Buxptr
  16. Cash4Offers
  17. Cashfiesta
  18. Cashmails
  19. Cashmailz
  20. CashRead
  21. CassandrasClicks
  22. Charm-mail
  23. CherokeePTR
  24. Classical-mail
  25. CooperativeMail
  26. Depacco
  27. dotcells
  28. DreamStarMail
  29. E-mailPaysU
  30. FairyTalePTR
  31. Gainpay
  32. Getpaidtotry
  33. Ggmails
  34. Giga-mails
  35. Globalworldmails
  36. Holiday-Mails
  37. IppoMails
  38. Isabelmarco
  39. Link2communion
  40. LookingEmail
  41. Mailsmoneydotnet
  42. MaplePTR
  43. MyBizs
  44. Nocs.Us
  45. Nomincashout
  46. Numenmail
  47. OkayEmail
  48. Onedollaremail
  49. OurPaidMail
  50. PaidEmail
  51. PaidSurveysOnline
  52. Performancebux
  53. Pretty-Mail
  54. Promails
  55. PTR-Trading
  56. ReadRevenue
  57. Rolex-mails
  58. SeekBizs
  59. Silvanamails
  60. Spedia
  61. StrongPTR
  62. Surfjunky
  63. Ubizs
  64. Wowearnings


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